So recently I was asked what do I really like to do? And my answer was simple, I love to draw and paint buildings. But why buildings?
Truthfully that is a very big question to answer. I believe that we are custodians of our homes or wherever we choose to call home. We leave an imprint or impression deep in the core of our homes, so that when we pass on, our energy will remain, happy or sad this energy will filter through the stone, the earth and all around. I love to feel this energy in the buildings I visit. Trapped memories that tell a bigger story. Buildings that have been around for longer than I have breathed on this planet. So as a custodian I like to paint these buildings as a permanent reminder of what surrounds us, what is here now, and what might not be here in years to come. Like people, buildings come and go.
Recently we lost a most beloved pet Doris our dog of eighteen years and through the sadness and loss it suddenly became a reality that nothing living is immortal. Even in nature, the leaves wither and die. We are only here for a short while, some shorter than others, and we should just live. Dogs always live in the now, they don't worry about what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow, they live for today.
Somewhere along the way we get sucked in to the vortex of living other peoples lives through social media - so not reality.
My reality is, I paint buildings, not every day, as administration, accounts, emails, phone calls, bills to be paid are all part of the Artistic life. Currently I am weaving my way through Christmas commissions, so grateful for the work. Planning also takes a peep in as I hope to have my next collection of paintings ready for exhibition next year. Still buildings, still a custodian of a building, still living in the now.