So September came in with loads of excitement and went out so fast I forgot to post my blog oops. Anyhow we finalized the purchase of our new home in Italy. Ireland just wasn't going to happen for us, and we can't rent when we are in our seventies. A girl needs a retirement plan!

So in creative writing class I wrote this piece about our new home. (Won't be moving there permanently for another few years yet).
La mia Casa
(My Home)
By Bernice Cooke
A rarity to find a beauty
encased in historical walls
fourteen century skirts
tipping a twenty first century hat to the sky
the newness of those marble steps
replacing the footprints of the past
cracks in plaster interlaced fingers
a silent prayer
to this new familiar.
Flinging open her blue shutters
revealing a glorious bosom of green
when Mother Nature rattles
She rocks gently to the rhythm.
As darkness beckons
slumber carries me
to the symphony of the howling wolves
stirring the night.